Are you confused by the term reference number in Kuwait Civil ID? If you are reading this page then I am sure you must be wondering about the meaning of the reference number in Civil ID or maybe you are trying to find your Civil ID reference number. On this page, you will be able to know everything about reference numbers in civil id and also I will give you the method to know your civil id reference number.
Your Civil ID contains a lot of information about you. This is one of the most important documents you will need as a Kuwait resident. Civil ID plays an important role in accessing various services in Kuwait. A civil ID card contains your personal information like your ID number, visa type, Name of the sponsor, and validity date of your Civil ID card. You can check the validity and status of kuwati civil id online.
Civil ID works like a national ID card and is also helpful for the government to provide essential services to Kuwait residence people. From operating a bank account to taking a loan, Civil ID is the document you need for obtaining most government services.
Required Things to Check Kuwait Civil ID Reference Number
If you want to find the refrence number in your civil id then you will need some basic inforamtion for chekcing it. The refence number can be checked online using the Ministry of department website of Kuwait. Below are some basic doucmnet and information that is required for finding civil id refrence number.
- Civil ID Number.
- Passport Number.
- Passport Expiry Date.
You will need to fill in the details given above to complete the steps to find Civil ID reference number.
Steps to Find Reference Number in Civil ID
Below are the quick steps to find your civil id reference number.
Step 1: Go to the Kuwait MOI Portal.
Step 2: By default the portal will open in Arabic language, change the language to English by clicking on the Change Language option at the top left. Now click on the civil id icon on the bottom of the page. See the image for reference.

Step 3: A popup box will appear after clicking on the ID icon.

Step 4: Enter Civli ID number and click on the Other nationality.
Step 5: Now complete the require information. Fill CIvil ID, nationalliy, Passport nmber, andd passport expiry date.

Step 6: After entering all the details, click on the Get button.
On clicking the Get button, the system will display your Civil ID reference number. The process of checking civil id reference number is very easy and kuwait residence can follow it for finding theri civil id reference number.
Frequenty asked questions
Civil ID refrence number check is available free of charge.